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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Employee Profile >
Employee Maintenance
Employee Maintenance is used to create and manage employee profiles.

The following functions are available:

  1. List of employees shown to the user is based on Employee Access Security.
  2. Default values when creating a profile
  3. Configuring the employee user account
  4. Creating an employee profile
  5. Viewing an employee profile
  6. Changing the "Employee Code"
  7. Employee Maintenance Details

2. Default values when creating a profile

The following default values can be configured:

 Field  Menu  Code  Description  Default Value
 General Tab -> Code  Configuration  next_emp_code  Next Employee Code (Alphanumeric and/or : delimiter)  LTE00001
 Tax Tab -> Tax Scale  Configuration  def_tax_code  Default Employee Tax Deduction Code  FJRES
 Current Service -> Service Type  Configuration  PAY.DefaultServiceTypeCode  Default Employee Service Type Code  E
 Current Service -> Full Time  Configuration  PAY.DefaultFullTime  Default Employee Full Time (Y/N)  Y
 Current Service -> Status  Dropdowns  EmployeeStatus  Employee Status Default  A
 Current Service -> Shift  Configuration  PAY.DefaultShiftID  Default Employee Shift ID  DS
 Pay Details -> Pay Team  Configuration  emp_pay_team  Default Employee Pay Team  MTM
 Pay Details -> Pay Category  Dropdowns  PayCategory  Pay Category Default  S
 Pay Details -> Hours Per Pay  Configuration  hrs_per_pay  Default Employee Work Hours per Pay  160
 Pay Details -> Hours Per Day  Configuration  hrs_per_day  Default Employee Work Hours per Day  8
 Pay Details -> Currency  Company    Home Currency Code  
 Pay Details -> Pay Scheme  Configuration  emp_pay_mthd  Default Employee Payment Method  D

3. Configuring the employee user account

1. The user account for each employee is automatically created by the system based on the following rules and configurations.


 Menu  Code  Description  Default Value
 Configuration  DefaultRoleName  Default role name assigned to employee when the profile is created  Employee Self Serve
 Configuration  ESS_Username_Format  The following codes define the Web Login username format when the profile is created:
 M = Manual (Administrator needs to create the user in web and assign an employee id)
 I = Employee ID
 N = Name(1st character of First Name + Last Name)
 L = FirstName.LastName
 E = Email Name (Values before the @ sign)


2. The user account is created automatically when the above rules are met. The following details are used when creating a new user account:

  1. Username - refer to configuration "ESS_Username_Format" for the username.
  2. Password - a random password hash is generated. The employees need to use the Recover Password option to retrieve the login details.
  3. Role - refer to configuration "DefaultRoleName"

3. When an employee status is changed to "Active" or "Leave", user access to the company is enabled

4. When an employee status is changed to "Inactive" or "Terminated", user access to the company is disabled. When the user access to all companies are made inactive, the user account is made "un-approved". The user will not be able to login to their Web Portal.


4. Creating an employee profile

  1. Add a new record
  2. Enter the following details:
     Field  Description
     General Tab

    This is the Employment ID of the employee.  The employee ID can be system generated or managed by the users.
    To enable system generated codes, setup the following configurations:

    1. Auto Employee Code
    2. Next Employee Code
     First Name  
     Middle Name  
     Last Name  
     Phone Home  
     Phone Office  
     Phone Mobile  
     Emergency Contact  
     Emergency Phone  
     Notes  This is an open text field, users can enter desired content
     Address Tab
     Residential Address Line 1  
     Residential Address Line 2  
     Residential Address Line 3  
     City  Refer to Dropdowns: City, State and Country
     Post Code  
     Postal Address Line 1  
     Postal Address Line 2  
     Postal Address Line 3  
     Personal Tab
     Date of Birth  
     Gender  Refer to Dropdowns: Gender
     Marital Status  
     Marriage Date  
     Union Member  
     Local Resident  
     Social Security ID  
     Ethnic  Refer to Ethnic Maintenance
     Tax Scale  Tax Scale used to calculate payroll tax withheld for the employee. Refer to Employee Payroll Tax .
     Tax ID  Employee's Tax ID provided by the Tax Authority
     Spouse Tax ID  Employee's Spouse's Tax ID provided by the Tax Authority
     Spouse Name  
     Current Service
     Start Date  Employment Start Date
     Contract Expiry Date

     Contract Expiry Date. This date is used for processing contract expiry pay for the employee. Refer to configuration "Payroll -> Payrun Type -> Include Contract Expiry"

     Service Type  Refer to Service Type Maintenance
     Full Time  
     Status  Employee Status
     Service End Date  Date when the employee's service will end. This date is used for processing final pay for the employee. Refer to configuration "Payroll -> Payrun Type -> Include Final Pay"
     Service End Reason  This is required when the employee is "Terminated"or set as "Inactive"
     Shift  Refer to Shift Maintenance
     Review Frequency  
     Next Review Date  This date is used by process "ESS013 - Send employee performance review alert"
     Pay Details
     Pay Team  Refer to Pay Team Maintenance
     Pay Category

     Refer to Dropdowns : Pay Category

     Hours Per Pay Enter the contracted or expected working hours per pay. This is the default hours paid to an employee at every pay. Hours per pay is also used in calculating the employee's hourly rate.
     Hours Per Day  Enter the expected working hours per day. Hours per day is used to convert leave hours to leave days.
     Pay Award  Refer to Pay Awards
     Use SDR Rate  Refer to Pay SDR Rate
     Time Sheet  Enable "Timesheet" employee pay hours are calculated through timesheet.
    1. Hours can be entered under Payroll Timesheet
    2. Hours can be integration from  "Time and Attendance" applications
     Leave Loading

    Enable this flag if employees are entitled to Leave Loading.

    To enable Leave Loading, refer to the following:

    1. Configuration "Payroll -> Payrun Type -> Include Leave Loading"
    2. Employees that have leave transactions for "Annual" leave category will be paid a percentage of the leave amount. These amounts are paid as paycodes:
      1. ELLT - Leave Loading Tax Free. The tax free threshold is setup in configuration "Leave Loading Tax Free Threshold in the financial year".
      2. BLLT - Leave Loading Taxable
     Leave Loading Percent  Percentage used when calculating Leave Loading.
     Currency  Defaults to Home Currency. Refer to Currency Maintenance
     Project  Projects is used for cost and budget/variance analysis. Refer to Project Maintenance
     Pay Scheme

     Payment method on how the employee is paid. The options are:

    1. Cash - Employees are paid cash. Paycode "CASH" is added when pay is processed.
    2. Cheque - Employees are paid cheque. Paycode "CHEQUE" is added when pay is processed.
    3. Direct - Employees are paid directly to a bank account. Bank details are setup in menu "Employee Pay Setup -> Direct Bank"
  3. Configure the employees User Account and assign appropiate roles
  4. Configure the employees approval workflow

5. Viewing an employee profile

The "View" link will open the "Employee Profile " page of the employee.

6. Changing the "Employee Code"

Change "Employee Code" is used to renumber the employee code in all the menus.


To "Change Employee Code", follow these steps:

  1. Assign access to security "HR421-1 - Can Change Employee Code"
  2. Click on "Change Employee Code" button
  3. Choose the "Employee From"
  4. Enter the new employee code in "Employee To" and Save

Figure 1: Employee Maintenance